I think I found a couple of bugs with the noise generator.
I downloaded the source code for POV-Ray 3.5 for windows, to see how noise
is generated. When reviewing the source, I saw the following:
In the POV-Ray Core project,
in the file "Texture.cpp",
in the function "static void InitSolidNoise (void)",
there is a section of code designed to generate random gradient vectors,
which are uniformly distributed on the unit sphere. There are 2 bugs with
1. There is a loop there, with a condition that is supposed to "trash" any
random vector which is outside the sphere. The condition should be OR, not
The code for each random vector generation looks something like that:
do {
Find a random vector in the unit cube.
s = the length of the vector, squared.
} while ((s > 1.0) && (s < 1.0e-5));
Normalize the vector;
The condition is a contradiction, and should have been:
"while ((s > 1.0) || (s < 1.0e-05))"
This bug causes the vectors to be non-uniformly distributed on the sphere.
2. In general, this technique will not produce uniform distribution of
vectors even when the bug is fixed (because the random values are actually
a discrete set of values), but I guess some compromises are tolerable, and
probably invisible (Who can tell that the noise is not exactly uniform?...)
Zohar Leder,
zoh### [at] yahoocom
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